The 2022 BRookie Award winners
she/her | 19 | Passamaquoddy Reservation at Sipayik
Indigenous clean water advocate and community leader
Designed and developed a storymap to amplify the voices and stories of her family’s daily struggle with polluted and toxic water.
she/her | 20 | Biddeford
President of University of New England Biddeford Campus sustainability club
Student government leader on advancing sustainability and diversity, equity, inclusion and justice on campus
Empowering youth to develop their personal story of advocacy by speaking at climate rallies and trainings
he/him | 22 | Castine
Promoting curriculum and career opportunities in the renewable energy sector at Maine Maritime Academy
President of campus sustainability club
Building operational wind turbine and testing facility on campus for faculty to incorporate into curriculum
17 | Bangor
Co-chair of the Nature Based Education Consortium’s Climate Education Policy Advocacy Working Group
Leading a grassroots campaign in support of state legislation to fund climate change education in Maine’s public schools
he/him | 26 | Waterville
Founder of Maine Big Night, a citizen science project assisting amphibians cross Maine’s roadways.
Collecting data on amphibian road mortalities in Maine and advocating for solutions
Collaborating with the Maine Department of Transportation on infrastructure funding and solutions
she/her | 16 | Yarmouth
Leader of Maine Youth for Climate Justice
Led the campaign to pass LD 99 to divest the Maine Public Employee Retirement system from fossil fuels
Advising divestment efforts across the country