The 2020 BRookie Award winners
she/her | 26 | Orono
Project Coordinator and Co-developer, Maine Shellfish Learning Network
Designer of data-gathering tool, the Bucket Drifter
she/her | 15 | Bar Harbor
Youth Representative, Bar Harbor Task Force on Climate
Co-founder, Climate Emergency Action Coalition
Author, “Climate Emergency Declaration Guide”
Co-author,”How Youth Led a Solar Installation Process and How it Can Be Replicated Anywhere”
he/him | 28 | Palermo
Founder, Maine Nightjar Monitoring Project (Eastern Whip-poor-will and Common Nighthawk)
Organizer of annual conferences for nightjar researches in North America
she/her | 30 | Portland
Sustainable materials artist focusing on community engagement
Developer and curator of two outdoor interactive art exhibitions, Surface First Tilts West and Windward Exhibition
she/her | 17 | Waldoboro
Founder and Executive Director, Coastal Youth Climate Coalition
Outreach Director, Maine Youth Climate Strikes
she/her | 23 | Bar Harbor
Youth Representative, Maine Climate Council
Co-Author, Climate Justice Syllabus
Founding Member, Maine Youth for Climate Justice
Founding Member, Downeast Climate Emergency Action Coalition